Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back to the USA!

I am in my hotel room in Recoleta finishing up the last bit of packing, enjoying my final café doble cortado, and tying up any last loose ends before I head home. My taxi will be here in 4 hours to pick me up and take me to the airport. Unbelievable! I am going home today.

When I thought about this moment before, I always imagined I'd be incredibly stressed out, sad, worried, or filled with a lot of those sorts of emotions. But the funny thing is, although I am sad in a lot of ways that this chapter of my life is ending, I am also ready for this change and excited about it. I'm looking forward to whatever new adventure awaits me. Everyone asks me, "What are you going to do when you get home?" and believe me, I wish I had the answer. But in a way, not knowing is what makes it feel like an adventure, and is what leaves me open for finding something truly rewarding.

So chau and hasta luego, my beloved Buenos Aires and my wonderful, life-long friends I've made here in Argentina. Chau bife de lomo, tostados de jamón y queso, and facturas. Chau Quilmes, café con leche, and Malbec. Chau colectivos and monedas, chau San Telmo feria, chau long walks through Palermo. Chau to lazy Sunday mornings at El Federal, and to late nights at la Puerta Roja and Guebara. Chau all you amazing things that made my experience in Buenos Aires so unforgetable. Me gustaría poder llevarte conmigo, pero yo sé que nos veremos de nuevo algun día.



heather said...

Beautiful!!! May your journey home be safe and smooth and all the memories of your BsAs and your SA travels keep keep you warm and fully in the moment of LIFE! bless you. xo

Will Eede said...

I cant't find the link from where I can send you a message.. I wanted to tell you that I liked your blog.
Espero hallas tenido un buen tiempo en Argentina. :)

Hi, I'm Erica. said...

Gracias, Will, por leer mi bloguito. :-) Me puedes contactar, si queres, aca: ericainmotion at gmail dot com